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AutoWealth Supports NUS Campus Fundraising with Tree Planting, Campus Greening, and A Generous Gift

Our company, AutoWealth, dedicated to supporting education and financial progress, recently participated in a meaningful Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project by planting trees on the National University of Singapore (NUS) campus. 

Taking the lead is Ow Tai Zhi, our CEO, who also serves as the Co-Chair of the NUS Plant-It-Forward Challenge.

“At AutoWealth, we believe in the power of education to achieve success in life, and our tree-planting effort reflects our commitment to education and environmental sustainability. This initiative not only supports financially needy students but also combats climate change.” – Ow Tai Zhi, CEO AutoWealth.

AutoWealth’s Key Take for Everyone

Education is a fundamental pillar of success, and we believe that it should be accessible to everyone, irrespective of their financial circumstances.. We are proud to be part of the Plant-It-Forward Challenge, which not only helps financially needy students but also contributes to a more sustainable environment.

Making Dreams Come True with AutoWealth’s Financial Aid

Our involvement in the Plant-It-Forward Challenge extends our ongoing dedication to education accessibility. Since 2018, AutoWealth has actively supported the NUS community through the AutoWealth Bursary at the NUS Business School. The bursary annually provides vital financial aid to financially needy students pursuing undergraduate degrees.

Planting Seeds of Education and Sustainability at NUS

Our tree-planting efforts at NUS serve as a tangible reminder of our dedication to both education and environmental responsibility. Through these initiatives, we hope to make a lasting impact on the lives of financially needy students and contribute to a greener, more sustainable future. 

A Brighter Future with AutoWealth in CSR and Education

Our commitment to fostering a synergy between education, CSR, and environmental conservation exemplifies how corporate entities can make a positive difference in the world, one tree and one student at a time. Our dedication to education and sustainability shines as a beacon of hope, inspiring others to follow in our footsteps and make the world a better place for all. 

More on NUS Plant-It-Forward Challenge: Plant-It-Forward Challenge (nus.edu.sg)

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