Begin Your Investment Journey With AutoWealth Starter

Returns from
Risk 1 Portfolio (Lowest)
*Based on Latest 20-Years Annualized Returns
Risk 5 Portfolio (Highest)
*Based on Latest 20-Years Annualized Returns
A robust portfolio with a strong emphasis on portfolio allocation and diversification without market speculation

Key Characteristics
High Level Of Diversification To Lower Risk
The Starter portfolio are diversified across three layers: asset types, geographical areas, and industries. This diversification strategy mitigates the impact of market volatility by potentially offsetting losses in one area with gains in another.
Optimised To Balance Risk And Returns
The Starter portfolio carefully allocates investments between high-growth assets and less volatile assets. This strategic allocation aims to optimize returns while managing risk at a moderate level. By carefully selecting a mix of investments, the portfolio aims to strike a balance between growth potential and stability, optimizing the risk-return trade-off.
Who Should Invest ?

First time investors or investors with little investment experience

Busy investors with
limited time

Rational investor who thinks traditional advisors are too costly

Investors who seek capital appreciation with a long term investment horizon
Why Invest AutoWealth Starter With Us ?
How We Maintain Your Risk Exposure
The Importance of Rebalancing
- Rebalancing is a strategic procedure that involves re-adjusting the weightings of assets within a portfolio, aiming to restore it to its designated target allocation
- It is a vital tool for investors to manage their risk and achieve long-term financial success
Threshold-Based Rebalancing
- Your portfolios are monitored 24/7 and optimized daily.
- Anytime your portfolio deviates more than 3% from the target allocation, it is rebalanced.
- This approach prevents over-concentration of specific assets and maintains a consistent risk profile.
- It takes advantage of excessive market volatility to buy low, sell high, and lock in additional returns.
- Rebalancing fees are covered by us.
How Does AutoWealth Starter Fit Into Your Financial Planning ?

AW Starter Fee
Annual Management Fees
AW Platform Fee
per account per annum