
Upcoming: Join us at our SRS investment scheme webinar on 22nd July 2024, 7:30pm! Learn More

Upcoming: Join us at our SRS investment scheme webinar on 22nd July 2024, 7:30pm! Learn More

Save Smarter For Retirement: Exploring SRS

Save Smarter For Retirement: Exploring SRS   You might have heard about the 1M65 movement where individuals aim to save S$1 million by the time they’re 65 to cover their retirement needs. Many Singaporeans depend on their CPF savings for retirement, but CPF payouts might not be enough since they’re only designed to provide a basic […]

Auspicious Times for Depositing Money

Keen to begin your savings & investing journey? Try AutoWealth! We give you the best of both worlds by automatically investing your savings, to optimize your returns based on your profile.

The Israel-Hamas Conflict: The Non-Political Impact and What We Can Do

Introduction In the midst of headlines dominated by the Israel-Hamas conflict, it’s not just the political arena that’s feeling the impact. The clash between Israel and the militant group Hamas in the Gaza Strip has economic ripples that stretch far beyond the region. Let’s look into why it matters to you and explore what individuals […]

AutoWealth Wins Silver Award at the HR Vendors of the Year Awards 2023

We are thrilled to share the exciting news that AutoWealth has been recognized at the prestigious HR Vendors of the Year Awards event, Asia’s premier recognition for HR excellence. We are honoured to win the Silver Award in the “Best Digital Wellness Platform” category. This recognition solidifies our standing as a trusted partner and solution provider […]

DBS/POSB and Citibank’s Recent Service Disruption: What’s Behind The Glitch?

“Card down, ATM also down. Walao. How to make payment?” On October 14, 2023, DBS/POSB Bank experienced a sudden service disruption at 4:37 PM, affecting mobile and internet banking, as well as ATMs. We’ve all been there – faced with a situation where we can’t use our cards or access cash when we need it […]

It Happened. Losing 97% of My Investment.

Ah, losing 97% of your hard-earned money. That means $1 million becomes $30,000.  Nope, it’s not a joke, and it didn’t happen at a roulette table or a magic show gone wrong. Nope, it happened in the wild world of investments, and this time round, it’s brought to you by WeWork. So picture this: you’re […]

Do Student Athletes Tend to Thrive in Adulthood?

“Don’t bother being an athlete in Singapore lah… later no money ah!” Does this phrase sound familiar? Although Singapore is and never was known for sporting prowess, we might like to start holding back such sweeping statements to our next generation as there is some proof that student athletes may thrive better in adulthood than […]